Full Tucasno Vocabulary

Your comprehensive guide to all current Tucasno words & phrases

Words & Phrases

All updated to reflect the new style with endings like -isno, -ollo, -asno, and -iismo. Enjoy!

English Tucasno Notes
Hello holla Main greeting
You tuco Personal pronoun (unchanged)
Beautiful bafeello Romantic compliment
Friend friendiismo Term of camaraderie
Love looviismo Deep affection
My mee Possessive form
The thee Definite article
What's up? whatollo? Casual greeting
No way! / Exclamation al bollosno! Surprise or excitement
Goodbye adioisno Farewell phrase
Let's go vamoisno Action phrase (from “vamos”)
Always sempreesno Indicates continuity
English Tucasno Notes
Man manolo Adult male
Woman woomasno Adult female
Boy boyiismo Young male
Girl girliismo Young female
Father papatollo Parental male figure
Mother mamaasno Parental female figure
Brother brootollo Sibling (male)
Sister seeiistno Sibling (female)
Baby babiisno Infant or very young child
My love mee looviismo Affectionate phrase
English Tucasno Notes
Dog bola Unchanged by request
Cat cala Unchanged by request
Sun suniisno Bright daytime star
Moon mooniismo Nighttime satellite
Stars stariismo Celestial points of light
Fire fyeesno Flame or burning heat
Water watereesno Essential liquid
Sky skyisno Heavens above
English Tucasno Notes
City citeesno Urban area
House houseesno Home or dwelling
Door dooreesno Entrance barrier
Window windeesno Pane or opening
Chair chaireesmo Seating furniture
Table tableesmo Surface for dining/work
Car cariisno Automobile
Road roadiisno Path or street
English Tucasno Notes
Sit down siteesno Invitation to be seated
Stand up standisno Move to an upright position
Come here veniismo Kept by request
Go away vallosno Kept by request
Stop stopollo Command to cease action
Wait waitismo Pause a moment
Listen leesmo Pay attention to sounds
Speak speakisno Vocalize words
Tell me tellisno Request for information
Look! lookisno! Exclamation to observe
Kiss kisseesno Act of affection
Want (to) wantisno Express desire

This list is just the beginning! Add more words, phrases, or unique -isno / -iismo / -ollo / -asno endings whenever inspiration strikes.